Edito tout frais : Alpine’s F1 podium dreams dashed for 2023 season says CEO

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Mar.10 – Alpine CEO Laurent Rossi admits the Renault-owned team is unlikely to hits its goal of breaking into the top three constructors’ in Formula 1 this year.

Last year, Alpine – then with Fernando Alonso at the wheel – finished fourth overall before the two-time champion defected to Aston Martin.

Aston Martin now appears to have skyrocketed from seventh overall in 2022 to being arguably the second-fastest team behind Red Bull early this season.

It seems to be a blow for Alpine’s earlier-stated goal of breaking into the top F1 teams.

« Everyone is saying ‘Ah, they’re delaying’, » Rossi told France’s Auto Hebdo. « But it takes time to turn a boat like this – to get to where Mercedes was, to where Red Bull is now.

« Those teams took a good three, four, five years, even more for Ferrari, to find their way to the podium, » he insisted.

Renault’s works F1 team was rebranded as Alpine for 2021, when Rossi declared that regular podiums would be achievable within 100 grands prix.

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Sebastian Vettel, Aston Martin, 2nd position, Laurent Rossi, CEO, Alpine F1, Esteban Ocon, Alpine F1, 1st position, and Sir Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes, 3rd position, on the podium

« The first two seasons of this four to five-year plan are going well, » he now says. « They are in line with our expectations.

« We finished fifth in 2021, fourth in 2022, it’s natural now to aim for the podium. »

Indeed, third currently seems out of reach – with Aston Martin as well as Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull apparently monopolising those places for now.

« The difference that separates us from third place is big, » Rossi admits.

« Everyone has this goal, but it’s like aiming for the moon. The minimum would be to finish fourth and close the gap to third place. »

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